Camino Portugues Central

11019m gain
10780m loss

Elevation Profile

Route Overview

About the trail

The Camino Portugues Central is one of the many variations of the Camino de Santiago. It is a a moderately challenging route, with a total distance of 606 km.

The trail features an elevation gain of 11019 meters and an elevation loss of 10780 meters.

There are 107 accommodations along the way, with an average price of 0.00€ per night.

With an average pace of 20-30 km per day, this trail can be completed in approximately 21 to 31 days. Expect to climb between 356 and 525 meters each day. It's advisable to take a day of rest every few days, depending on your physical condition. Generally, consider at least one rest day each week.

Accomodations on this route

Pousada de Juventude de Lisboa
Albergue de Peregrinos de Ponte de Lima
Albergaria Senhora do Monte
Albergue Casa Fernanda10
Albergue Peregrinos de Rubiães
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